Tristan Carranante

France, Nantes -

Hello, i’m Tristan Carranante. I'm a freelance Python/Javascript Software Engineer living in France. I love linux and open source projects. I’ve worked on a lot of projects from websites to company software, web-based or not. Check my github/gitlab account to see what I have made!


Python/Javascript Developer

Quai des apps/blinkl

Blinkl is an augmented reality product by Quai des apps. I design and develop blinkl backend and occasionally help vuejs and c++ teams.

Python Flask Django Rest Framework MongoDb SqlLite Postgresql Redis Javascript Vuejs OpenCV
June 2018 - February 2022

Javascript Frontend Developer


Front end developer for the hypervision solution canopsis. Frontend based on Emberjs with an ongoing migration to Vuejs. Backend in python connected to a mongodb and influx database. I also did some global UX and data representation with D3.js

Javascript Nodejs Emberjs D3.js Vuejs Python RabbitMQ Celery MongoDb InfluxDB Docker
January 2016 - January 2018

Cofounder / Technical Manager

Tonari no tokoro

Tonari no tokoro is a japanese classified advertisements, See more by clicking here.

Python Javascript Flask Postgresql Image manipulation
Octobre 2013 - Aout 2014

Python Backend Developer - devops


Lengow is a service that provide a centralised way for publishing goods on multiple ecommerce website like amazon or cdiscount. The interconnection with third parties is managed in python, the front end is generated in PHP.

Python Django Golang Fabric Jenkins Continuous integration Postgresql
septembre 2015 - Janvier 2016



I have Designed a wifi ticket management web application interconnected with Active Directory and deposit in a Microsoft SqlServer.

C#/.net 4.0 Bootstrap IIS Active Directory Sql Server


Agence Ardouin

I have designed a real estate management web application and a website for a real estate agency.

Python sqlite bootstrap jquery linux



SASS/bourbon mockup integration for a web supervision/quality notation company. Can be found at CheckMyWebsite.

SASS bourbon Grunt Bower nodejs jekyll

Cofounder / Technical Manager

Social train

I was the cofounder of social train, a social web experience to connect people that travel in the same train. I designed the technical solution and integrated it. See more by clicking here.

Python Javascript Mongodb Angularjs Uwsgi mongo cluster
Octobre 2013 - Aout 2014

Javascript/python Developer


Front end developer for the hypervision solution canopsis. Frontend based on Extjs, backend on Python bottle and MongoDb database. I worked a lot with highcharts javascript library

Python Javascript html5 extjs 4 Linux virtualization MongoDB redis RabbitMQ Celery
Octobre 2011 - August 2013


LA Joliverie

BTS (2 years - technical degree)
Informatique de gestion
Septembre 2009 - August 2011


  • Load Balancing
  • Microservices
  • RESTful APIs
  • SaaS
  • Django
  • Django Rest Framework
  • Flask
  • Pillow
  • Celery
  • SqlAlchemy
  • Vuejs
  • Angularjs
  • D3js
  • Emberjs 1
  • Nodejs
  • Jquery
  • Bootstrap
Operating Systems & Tools
  • Ubuntu
  • Debian
  • Git
  • Bash
Platform Development
  • Gitlab
  • Github
  • Bitbucket
  • Digital Ocean
  • MongoDB
  • SqlLite
  • MySQL
  • Postgresql
  • Redis
  • InfluxDB
  • Gunicorn
  • Uwsgi
  • Docker
  • Grafana

Discontinued Projects

Tonari no tokoro is a website to help japanese people to sell and buy second hand products, like craig's list or le bon coin.

Social Train

I was the cofounder and technical director of social train, a social web experience to connect people that travel in the same train. I designed the technical solution and integrated it myself, design by Julien Canepa.